The military recruitment process is extremely disciplined. All the information one need about military service can be found at the click of a button on the army website. You can either serve part time or for full time and the website details the differences between the two. A person who chooses to apply through this site for taking up military service is led to the army career explorer which gives you a plethora of information on beginning the recruitment process. The site also provides every bit of information you need starting from the recruitment process to the life in the US Army.
Military recruitment is an ongoing process for both the American and the British armies because of their current overseas involvement. Once the people waiting to be recruited go through the information in the site and the career's explorer, they are required to submit documentation. After this, a military recruitment officer will pay a visit to the applicant to verify the information provided by you. Also, the officer will be able to make sure your skills and qualification and ensure that you are fit to serve the US army and can survive its rigorous lifestyle. It is not necessary that the officer must come home to do all this. You may complete the entire process over the telephone if you wish to do so.
This military officer is your friend, philosopher and guide throughout your life in the army. This officer can tell you anything regarding life in the army or the application process or even on how long you can be expected to stay in the army. If you are interested in pursuing education even after joining the army, your officer is the one you must contact. He can provide you al the necessary information. There are many recruiters whom you can reach for more information. They can be found either online or even in your neighborhood. On completion of this, you will have to take up an aptitude test. You will be subjected to a set of multi choice questions which allows the military to asses your skill set and zero down on a role you are fit for.
On successful completion of all these processes, you will be given a posting station where you can collect your kit. You will also be assigned to a post here and be inducted into the army.